LinkedIn data archive request via LinkedIn settings from LinkedIn profile

Have you requested your LinkedIn data archive ?

Following on from the acquisition of LinkedIn by Microsoft, it is likely that we will see some significant changes as it is brought in line with the Microsoft Ecosystem and Office 365 solution.

It looks like from information we have seen, that LinkedIn are planning a major update and this may result in certain functionality being removed, in a similar way to when LinkedIn has in the past removed such components as LinkedIn answers.

To ensure that you have a copy of your data including connections and activity it is possible to request a LinkedIn data archive from LinkedIn.  Our advice would be to make an initial request for this LinkedIn data archive file and then ensure that you make a note to request this information on a rolling basis moving forward to ensure that your LinkedIn data is not erased as a result of functionality changes.

We have set out below, how you can request this LinkedIn data archive file from LinkedIn:

1. From within LinkedIn web page you should look to locate your profile picture in the top right of the browser screen and then select to reveal the following options:

LinkedIn account profile settings
2. From within the above screen you should select the Privacy & Settings – manage – option to be presented with the below screen:

LinkedIn account settings
3. And from within the above screen you should scroll down until you see the option entitled, Getting an archive of your data, by selecting the change option, which will then result in the below screen being shown:

LinkedIn data archive request
4. From within the above screen you simply need to select the Request Archive, which will result in LinkedIn providing you with an initial cut of the data and then within 24 hours the more detailed full history of your information.


As we have suggested previously in the article it is worth considering including a request for data on a more regular basis.  This is especially the case  with regards to the uncertainty around what impact the acquisition of LinkedIn by Microsoft will have on the development of future functionality and removal of existing functionality.

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